Sunday, July 6, 2014


Oh dear, little Shane has started developing tantrums. At 7 months, he would start throwing a fit (yes, the hands and legs go up in the air) if I took a toy away when he's not done playing with it. That includes shredded tissue and empty bottles. It's something that recently started because just 2 weeks ago, I would stop him from playing with some toys, and he would be perfectly fine with it.

So I was reading a few websites on how to deal with this issue... So the best one that so far worked for us so far was to prompt him that I was going to take it away (and not just yanking it away), and quickly distract him with something else like play peek-a-boo or blow bubbles at his tummy (ya he really loves that). Hopefully this method can last us till he grows up.

Baby's personality is shaping!