Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 60 - Jan 31

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

First Ang Pow from Aunty Susan

Shane had his 2 Months doctors wellness visit today. He weighed in at 13lb 12oz (6.25kg) and measured 60cm. For his age, he's just over the 75th percentile for both his weight and height, as well as 75th percentile for his weight for length. I thought he was at the 95th percentile, given that the doctor said he looked like a 4 month old baby.

Lab results came back that indicated Shane has got G6PD. He's got to go through another of those test where they stick the tube things in his arms at month 9 to determine if he's got the G6PD or if he's just a carrier. I thought he would be fully deficient based on what I read on the internet ( Must they needle poke him again? My poor boy has been poked way too many times since birth.

So my little man had 3 vaccinations today.
1. Oral Vaccine (Rotavirus Oral Vaccine)
2. Prevnar (Pneumococcal#1)
3. Pentacel (DTaP#1, Hib#1, Polio#1)

The trooper cried… Heart breaking (yet funny) to see him wail so loud. But the pacifier calmed him down really quick.

Only Lionel the Lion could calm a crying Shane

Sleepy all day

The vaccines did make him sleep almost the entire day, and his feeds were of extended to a 4 hour period. Whoa! I even had time to get out to run errands in the city.