Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 45 - Jan 14

Had a second session at Penn Hospital Parent and child development program. Today we talked about breast feeding and sleeping.

So we co-sleep with Shane and I am jus so embarrass to tell anyone that we co sleep. Yes I did get funny disapproving stares when I say we sleep with Shane. Then I keep hearing the same line "it could cause SIDS". Yes yes I know! But it's our way of doing things and putting him to bed! Well, so I didn't even dare tell anyone that our co-sleeping was not just sleeping on the same bed - Shane sleeps on us! That would be 10x worse.

This is norm every night

I am convinced that we are ok doing what we have been doing, and sleep training should only begin after Month 4.

At least one bit that we did right to reduce SIDS is to introduce the pacifier.

Looking forward to next week's class on talking about stimulating baby's brains.

Photo of the Day

Shane's new outfit