Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 48 - Jan 17

First time that Shane pooped in the bath. So… we're not sure if we should just ignore the poop (it was only like a tiny winy bit) or re-boil the water, refill the tub and dunk him in for the second time. Well, on the safe side, he had his second bath. But was it absolutely necessary? No idea. It's infant poop, but I suppose they're equally toxic.

So I started googling what to do, and of all the different sites, I thought the advise on google site was fairly accurate on what you can do (for future reference when Shane is a little older) -  it's pretty logical anyway.

This is a summary of what to do when baby poops in the tub:
  1. Close the bathroom door
  2. Do a finger sweep of the mouth
  3. Lay a towel on the floor, lift the baby and dry the baby
  4. Quarantine bath toys
  5. Grab cup to scoop poop
  6. Curse (ok, can omit this part)
  7. Remember you love your baby
  8. Refill tub
  9. Congratulate yourself on being done bathing the baby
  10. Return to wash the toys and tub
Read more on the website

Though a second bath immediately knocked him out and he slept for a long long time, and nursing in his sleep with his eyes shut. Bliss.