Our attempt today was to take Shane out to the mall with Uncle Jeremy who wasn't done with his shopping list. So we were out for a good 8+ hours with the little man.
Breast feeding in public is something I not comfortable with yet, and don't think will ever be super comfortable with. So I had my shot at it again... This time with my new bebe au liat nursing cover. Shane absolute hates anything touching his head ur covering his face while nursing, and needs eye contact. This cover has a rigid neck line that let's him watch me watch him from the top. So I don't have to blindly feed him! It's a tad expensive at $27 ish from amazon (but 240dhs in Dubai), but totally worth every cent.
Today for the first time, Shane kept the pacifier in his mouth for the entire journey home from the mall (which is about a 30 mins drive). He's getting the hang of the pacifier! Wheee!!!
Shane got his bath (again) this evening after peeing all over himself during his diaper change. So he got really wide eyed before going to bed. Uh oh... A long night ahead!!!