Shane is 7 weeks old today! The little monkey is growing quickly and is now aware lily more of his surroundings.
2:10 Woke Shane up for his first feed. His last session was at 9:30 last night and he was smacking his lips in his sleep, looking hungry. Nursing session lasted 5 mins. Walked about the room to burp him and attempt to get him to sleep.
2:25 Shane falls into a light sleep and I put him in his crib. Struggles with his eyes closed (yes I don't swaddle him to sleep). Watched over him for about 10 mins before heading to bed.
4:15 Baby struggles in crib and appears to try to poop. Diaper change! Z's turn. It was a poopy diaper
4:35 Feed the baby. Don't think he was hungry though. He fed for only 2-3 mins. Following that he was so restless. So daddy woke up to work his magic on the baby. It took him a whole hour to put the wide eyed baby to bed.
6:40 Another 3 mins of feeding before Shane got restless. This time it was really hard entertaining him esp since we are so tired. Then he got his diaper change again. It was a small poop and large pee diaper.
6:45 Pumped and froze a bag of milk.
7:00 Struggling baby still didn't want to sleep so I had to pick him up and put him on me to go to bed. We had a good 1.5 hours sleep together
8:45 I decided to put the baby on his back, but the moment I did that he woke up. So we changed his diapers (was a small poop and lots of pee diaper), and as usual he peed on himself. At least he's in a good mood cos he's got hiccups! (For some reason, he loves his hiccups).
9:00 Shane goes downstairs for his morning entertainment on the rocker with Sophie. Today, he happily played with Sophie and got really annoyed when Sophie's neck squeaked when it bends.
10:15 Feeding time again! When Shane rejects the pacifier, we know he's hungry. This morning's feed went for a whole long 15 minutes. It's been a while since he had such a long nursing session.
10:40 Ploop ploop ploop. Must be poop from the earlier nursing session. He was swimming in a puddle of fresh poo. It smelt so bad… Like sour milk. Still in a good mood though!
11:00 It's play time. So today's play session involved singing and dancing to the YMCA song and teaching him dry swimming with his arms and legs. I think that relieves his tummy and helps him poop.
11:50 It's been quite a while playing with him, and Shane gets bored. Starts crying. Don't know why / what to do. So tried Feeding. He fed for 5 minutes and started crying again. By process of elimination, the next thing I did was to burp. Still struggling and crying. Then changed diapers (it was full of pee). He stopped! Phew. I think the pee on the diapers was pressing against his pee pee, and he was feeling a little uncomfortable.
12:45 Shane goes back to the rocker with his new lion wubbanub pacifier. He falls asleep while we have lunch.
13:00 Shane gets transferred to his Bassinet for a nap. I fell asleep on the couch for 30 mins. Exhausted.
15:00 Hungry cries again. Another 10 mins feed. Struggles again. Could tell that he's trying to poop but can't poop. Helping him exercise a little does seem to do the trick but this time it was not enough. We had to walk him around the room and hold him vertical for another 10 mins before he farted.
15:15 Shane lies next to papa in bed and entertains himself while papa works.
15:40 Diaper change with only pee.
16:00 Did some exercising and massaging with Shane. But he got bored very quickly this time. Restless baby = Daddy gotta carry. Restlessness lasted for a good half hour and he wanted to be carried vertically only.
16:15 We put Shane in his crib... He's not sleeping yet. But lays there happily and went to sleep on his own. He had a loud hiccup and woke himself up. I picked him up and he started crying non-stop. whoops. So, I had to walk him around the room and tried to soothe him. Not working. Suddenly stopped crying when I laid him on the changing table (but did not change him)
16:45 Tried to feed the baby. But he does not want to be fed.
17:00 Chinese Education time! Z plays chinese children song (世上只有妈妈好) for Shane. It's pretty soothing, but he got bored again.
17:15 Pumped a 4oz bottle.
18:25 Diaper change. Pee only,
18:45 We all head downstairs for dinner. Shane fell asleep in the bassinet but woke up and was moved to the rocker while we had our meal & watched TV
19:15 Shane got bored of his pacifier. So we figured its meal time for him. We warmed up the pumped milk a little, and added d'iv sol (Vitamin D) to his milk. Grandma fed Shane, and he finished the whole bottle in 10 mins.
19:30 Shane goes back to sleep in the rocker with Lisa the Lion.
21:00 Took Shane back to the room for a diaper change. Pee only. After he was done, he protested loudly for food,,, but mummy was in the toilet showering. So the cries just got louder and louder.
21:15 Shane feeds for 3 minutes (after all that crying??) but happily lies in his crib after his feed,
21:40 Pumps another bottle for feeding during tomorrow's church service,
22:00 All of us goes to bed. What a long day.