Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 66 - Feb 6

I am so sure Shane is going through a growth spurt today. Started last night where he's up all night and almost all if today. We used to feed him every 3-4 hours, but now it's down to 1.5 hrs. Also he normally drinks for 5-10 mins and he's done. Now, he stays latched for 20-30 mins... So tiring!!! If we don't feed him immediately, his cries are as if he's in pain. Second time we hear that kind of cry (first time was at the doctors office when he got his vaccination).

Wondering how heavy he'll get again. He's gained 0.5kg already in 5 days since we were last at the ped. A whooping 6.7kg measured last night.

Over the last week, Shane has been sucking on his fist so much. Even his favourite pacifier could not take the place of his fist. Just now sure how clean his hads are sometimes... And especially paranoid when strangers touch him and then he sticks his fist in the mouth. There's some lack dirt stuff under his nail. Not sure where that came from. Everyday we clean the dirt, it just comes back.

Tasty hands!!