Baby Shane is almost a week old! So here is what we did today on Day 6.
00:00 Shane is with dad on our bed whilst mum sleeps. Dad works away on his school work and studying for his exams.
00:15 Mum wakes up from sleep to feed. Efficient feeding tonight. Shane latches on for a whole 10 mins on each side without stopping! Hoo rah for his efforts! He's like a little chipmunk - storing milk in his mouth is his favourite past time. Only difference is... He bubbles them out slowly when dad and mum are not watching
00:45 Dad swaddles little Shane and places him in his cot. Sometime later (whilst we all were sleeping), baby Shane breaks loose!!
01:20 Mum hears baby struggling and soft weeping (not a loud cry YET). Baby Shane gets picked up and heads to bed on mama this time. Mum decides not to sleep cos next feeding is up in another half hour. Baby Shane sleeps nicely!
02:45 Mum hears a loud fart. Uh oh. Time for diaper change. Dad wakes up for his diaper duty. It was just pee... And a lot of pee. After cleaning him up, and whilst putting a new diaper on, Shane decided to spray!! But he sprayed onto himself and the changing table. Lol. Dad & Mum are both nice and clean! lol. It took us another 10 mins to clean up his mess... Finally put him back into his cot at 3:00
03:45 Mum wakes up to hear little Shane shivering. Dad wakes up to warm baby Shane up with his body heat…
04:15 It's time for Baby Shane's next feed. He clearly is enjoying time with the daddy, and not hungry. Since mummy can't seem to wake him up to feed, baby Shane ended up sleeping on mum again. It's been 3 hours since his last 18 mins marathon feed!
05:10 Shane is still sleeping and shows no signs of any intention to feed. Then mama caught him sticking his tongue out! Yay! Time for next feed! (Can't believe mum was this excited for the next feed - but more because she wants to go to sleep after feeding time!). This time, Shane had about 10 mins worth of milk… Fingers crossed, it'll last at least an hour if not more.
05:30 He pooped and peed. Diaper changing time before heading to bed!! No dramas! So much for a nice sleep….
05:50 It's not even an hour since the last makan session!! We guess… What goes out must be replenished. Shane fed for another 15 mins before falling asleep on the boppy pillow, but woke up when we put him into the cot. Meanwhile, mum and pups goes back to dreamland.
07:45 The 2 hour sleep felt like eternity! Shane was awake the whole 2 hours (or so we think). He likes to stare at our wall and the diaper changing table, and swinging his arms in the air. He was definitely ready for his 745am feed when my alarm rang (thankfully before he started crying). He had his regular 20 mins feed again
08:20 Diaper changing time again!! This time it was only a pee diaper. Thankfully the urea crystals are gone from his pee! Hoorah… a milestone for us!
09:30 Dad & Mum preps to take Shane out to Penn Hospital for his Bilirubin test (it's the test for Jaundice). We had to dress Shane in thick layers as the weather was about 38 degF (3 deg C), strap him in the car seat and prepare a diaper bag. So many items for the little man.
10:30 The Lims arrive at Penn hospital which is about 5 mins from where we live.
10:45 Saw the lab technician who drew 1ml of blood. It took about 1.5 mins but felt like eternity when Shane started screaming.
11:00 Dad decided to walk one block down to give Shane some sunlight before heading home. It's freezing outside though!
12:15 After long and hard screams at the hospital, he got tired and needed another feed. It's been a while since he had some milk anyway. This feeding lasted another 30 minutes
13:30 Screaming in the bassinet... Shane peed and pooped - big time.
14:00 Hospital phones with the results for Shane's Bilirubin test. His bili test results went up from 12.5 to 12.9. The normal range should be from 0-12. But since he's been feeding well, and peeing & pooping well, he didn't have to be admitted to do his sun bath. (I never knew that you could get rid off jaundice through pee and poo).
14:15 Shane is fed his daily Vitamin D dosages.
14:20 Feeding time again since we spotted his lips smacking and tongue sticking out. It was only a 15 mins feed.
14:40 We needed to give Shane some sunlight to get rid of the Jaundice. Dad and Shane hang out on the bed where the small bits of sunlight falls. Mum falls asleep for the next 2 hours... A much needed sleep!
16:00 Shane peed and pooped. Daddy had to clean him up by himself. It was just a little poo and a lot of pee. Just as daddy was done cleaning, Shane peed again... This time, he sprayed into his own mouth and the back of the changing table. Clearly screams were heard and a frantic dad awakes mum. Total number of diapers used in this episode = 3.
16:20 Just 2 mins after we cleaned up, Shane decided to do a big fat poo poo. Another diaper change again!!
16:35 Another 20 -25 minutes feed after the big poo
16:45 Shane is shivering from the cold air . So he sleeps on mum this time while dad is working on his Consulting project. After 2 hours, The little prince is still sleeping!
18:00 Shane has his next feed... But was a short one cos mum woke the little boy from his sleep
19:00 Diaper change! Way too much pee in the diaper. Even the Christmas tree lights could not distract him
20:05 Baby Shane wakes up from his nap all wet. Thought he was hungry until dad carried him. We tried using Huggies diapers for the first time.... Urgh, what a mistake!! It leaks....
20:15 Time for a feed!! This feed was a long half hour meal...
21:00 Another poo and pee?!! How efficient is his body. Just as we were done cleaning, Shane decided to surprise us with another poo- this time on the changing table. The next 30 mins was spent cleaning the table, changing diapers, re-dressing him out of his poopy shirt... Oh what fun.
21:30 After a poop, it's meal time again! Another 20 mins feed. By this time, mum is exhausted.... But can't take a nap because there's random things to do like clear the dirty stuff on the floor, sterilize items...
23:30 Baby's last 20 mins feed for the day
23:50 Baby's last diaper change for today.
Tomorrow… hopefully repeats itself. Today was considered the best day (out of the last 6 days). We can only tell ourselves… it only gets better, and enjoy Shane while he's still little.