Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 27 - Dec 27

The milk blisters on Shane lips are almost falling off.  When he firstngot them we were a lil concern with his hydration. It's one of those things where no one tells you not to panic if you see it happen to your baby. So qafter googling, this was what we read: 

Lip blisters are caused by vigorous sucking associated with breastfeeding. The repetitive movement of sucking, which newborns can do for hours a day, can cause these blisters or calluses on the baby's top lips.

Thankfully the last callous is almost about to fall off today.

So Shane stayed home with daddy and grandpa this afternoon whilst mummy ran out to run errands. Probably missed mum and refused to sleep. So daddy had to carry him all afternoon.

Photo of the Day