Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 39

Thursday 28 Nov was the thanksgiving holiday. I felt a small trickle of water. Not sure if the waters broke or not. It (the leak feel) was intermittent and not continuous. I figured that I had an appointment at PennMedicine on Black Friday anyway, so we decided to wait it out...

Meanwhile, we did make it to the Philly thanksgiving parade in the -2deg C weather. Never been to one... So it was an experience for us!

Loving the parade floats!!


Also, I managed to cook for our little 3-man thanksgiving dinner... Asian style stuffed roast chicken. Turkey was just way too large!!

Glad that I didn't have to spend this day in the hospital... Plus I managed to set up the X'mas tree.... Hoo rah!!!!!

And we also did get to check out the Black Friday sale after dinner.