Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Starting on Solids

So over the last couple of weeks, I have been reading up on solids.
Baby center (and a lot of other website) and the pediatrician says that we can start solids when:

1. Baby has good head control
Yup. My little boy definitely has good head control.

2. Baby needs to lose the extrusion reflex - ie. stop pushing food out of the mouth
Well… I guess you wouldn't be able to tell until you've actually started solids right? DOH!

3. Sitting well when supported
I guess yea he does sit well when supported…

4. Chewing motion - he should be able to move food to the back of the mouth and swallow.
Again… you won't be able to tell until you've actually started right??

5. Significant weight gain (or at least 15lb).
Oh well… the little man was 17 pounds a month ago… so we're good there.

6. Growing appetite. Seems hungry all day
Recently he has been feeding every 3 hours… and sometimes 2 hours intervals… I guess either I do not have enough milk, or he is really hungry!!

7. Curious about what you are eating
This video sums it up!!

Other resources:

I found this website to have lots of really good information.
It's good a food chart for reference on when to start what, preparation of food, information on allergies, travel information, as well as baby led weaning if you're interested!

What I found especially useful was the bit on feeding a G6PD deficient baby (yes the type of food you can and should give them is different - and I did not know that until I read this!!)
This is the link for starting solids for babies with G6PD