Monday, May 12, 2014

First Mom's Day

Yesterday was my first Mom's day… As with all 'firsts', it's supposed to be really exciting. But somehow stupid Wharton Global Consulting Project had to have official scheduled meetings from Sunday to Thursdays. Since when did they work Middle East timings? I thought the Western world worked from Mondays to Fridays!

I guessed these Wharton Professors have absolutely no life… no families… no moms (or moms who they actually care about). Seriously, get a life. You made me celebrate my first Mom's day by myself with the baby. Poop and shame on you - University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School especially.

Anyhow, I spent the morning in church with the little one (and yes I did feel like a single mom). There was this photographer at church with props and so we took a few fun shots

Then went out to meet my Dubai friends, Don & Mandy, who happened to swing by Philly for some cheesesteak and pulled pork sandwich.

A lovely surprise when I got home.... some flowers and a really heart warming card (of cos it had to be from the papa) that read:

Well, as they say… every mother's day will be you (or the husband) making something for yourself until the little one goes to school. Yup, definitely true! At the Parent & Child Development Class @ Penn hospital, this was what we came home with.

To all moms, especially mine...
Hope you had a Happy Mothers Day. And thank you for all the years of sacrifice. Love you lots.