So I wrote a few post on our success with Crib trainings… Well, the last few nights was… totally unsuccessful with the crib. I'm not sure if it's because Shane was teething or if it was just a phase.
This was what happened…
He fell asleep while feeding. As usual, I would put him down in his crib. On those good old nights, he'll just toss a few times then fall asleep. The last few nights, he would open an eye (yes, just one eye) just to peek where he is. When he realizes he's in the dreaded crib, he starts screaming! Then we (take turns) pick him up and he falls back asleep in our arms again. Again, we try the crib, and again the same thing happens - big cry! Finally we decided to put him in our bed. One eye opens… and he sees our bed, smiles and goes back to sleep.
My little man knows his place in the room now.