Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What we did on a Rainy Day

It's been a while since I've been stuck at home. It rained heavily almost all day today and so I stayed in with Shane. The last time it was like this was when it was snowing heavily.

We didn't do much aside from reading a few books and singing a few songs. Sometimes I feel so guilty not entertaining him enough. 

So this was how our day went...
He woke up at 915 this morning. We read a few books. Today we did Llama Llama Wakey Wake, Diddy the Dinosaur, Easter Story and Old McDonald's farm. And then sang some songs… His favorite - the Noble Duke of York… and some others which I can't remember which ones.

And we skyped with the grandparents... Whilst I left him in the jumperoo for a good 30 mins.

Then he sucked his thumb till he he'll asleep for 2 hr from 1130 to 130pm.

Then after he got up, I prepared and had my lunch while he sat in the swing... 

Then Z came home and he fell asleep again from 330-415pm. And after he woke up, he started playing with his Skwish toy… for another 30 mins… then got bored and he had Sophie for another 30 mins.

I took a video of Z playing with him and he looked so bored... It read so much of "pls try harder to entertain me"...

After a bit he had his evening nap from 630-7pm while we had dinner... He had his bath... And while I was washing up, I left little Shane by himself to play with his little monkey.

After a bath, chilling in his rocker

The day passed so quickly. I felt like I did nothing, and it seemed like I hadn't talked much to Shane, or taught him new things about life! 

So what do most parents do with their babies at home? If I were to go out, at least he gets to see the world… I just don't know how to make his day at home more interesting. Hmmm...