My usual trick of putting him lying on me doesn't work anymore. That's my lazy way of quickly putting him to bed. Now I have got to go to a visually hiring location, carry him till both eyes shut. Only then I can put him down on the bed.
So many mums with babies around his age tell me that their little ones can sleep through the night (ie. 8 hours straight). Well... I tried to rock him to sleep when he gets up in the middle of the night, but doesn't really seem to work. Anyhow, I'm happy with one feed in the middle of the night... At least by doing so, the milk supply will not go down!
Diaper Changing in the middle of the night… What a bad idea. So over the last 3-4 weeks, I did not changed his diapers in the middle of the night, and I had such a good run in the night sleeping department. Just last night, we decided to do a 2am change… Oh what a disaster. First, we had to drag our groggy selves out of bed to change him, then he started being so fussy almost every hour and did not have a good sleep at all.
However, I think Shane naps pretty well during the day. His morning naps are fairly predictable. That is... After he wakes up in the morning, he'll be back in bed 3 hours later for his nap which can last about an hour. Afternoon naps are usually shorter (about 30 mins) if he takes multiple naps which can be 2-3 times... If we're lucky, he sleeps for another 2 hours straight in the afternoon.
No tricks in this. But I think his naps got better after I got this buckwheat pillow (which is like some sort of weighted pillow - because he doesn't like to be swaddled). I guess the weight stops him from throwing his hands and legs up in the air...