Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

First Post from the USA

Who would have thought that the process of getting an appointment for the little bean (actually more for me and the bean) would be so difficult?!

Medical Records - they will need this before allowing you to make an appointment. The only way to send them the records are:
1. In Person
2. By Fax

No emails! So unless you're like in the country and can physically walk in with your file, or have sufficient $$ in the bank balance to internationally fax your entire medical records, forget about trying to be organized

So I took the files in, and was told "we will review your files, but there is no guarantee that the doctor will accept you as her patient". How warped is that???

I tell myself... "Welcome to America".

Awesome service.

I was also told off for giving my date of birth as Xth April 19XX. She said "lady, it's April X, not Xth April".

Again, I tell myself... "Welcome to America".

So it's been 4 days since I walked in. I said this was urgent as I'm almost close to 30 weeks and have no appointment! It's been 3+ weeks since I last saw Dr Jozsa.

Lets see how long this waiting game is... 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Baby shower for the little bean

Thanks Jo for organizing this baby shower... My first one! We had tea at The Farm at Al Barari. It's by far the place that looks least like Dubai... Couldn't resist not taking some photos around the place...

Love those balloons? Thanks Apolline, Nona & Helen! I love it!
We did some baby shower games including "guess that baby food" and make a baby using play doh. The winner was baby Greenie!

Then the exciting bit came... Presents! Who doesn't love presents. They're not really for me, but I'm very sure the little bean will be pleased...
Here's some overalls from Jo...

and some baby gift set from Disa
and more gifts from Disa....

A powfer puff from Enda & Joanna... oh this is so awesome because we used to use this at home last time!!

and from Sarah - the experienced Mom - she knows what toys and essentials i'll need...

Last but not least.... Swaddle Blankets!! I was just looking at this on Now I can take this off my Amazon shopping cart!

It was a great day... =) Don't think i'll have more baby shower... but this was definitely one great one that I'll remember...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Visit #6 - The Final Dubai visit

Kinda sad knowing that it's the last time I'm gonna be at Healthbay. Everyone, including the nurses, midwives and doctor are so friendly. My first experience with even attempting to phone a doctor's office for an appointment in the USA was an impatient and annoying sounding American lady. They're just so grumpy... and snappy.

So... since the last visit to see Dr Jozsa, I put on another 2kg! So I guess it works out to be about 0.5kgs per week. And the little bean has also been constantly gaining 20% of the weight I put on. So this week, little bean measured in at 1.2kg. Getting bigger now!

I think the bean has been looking the same since we first had a picture of him.  The nose and the lips are a lot more well defined now...
And the bean is always covering his face... Can see his 5 fingers!!
In summary, Bean is doing great. He's in the right position (ie. not breached), doing great on size, and always kicking.
Another 7 days before I fly to the USA... I was prescribed a jab... and needed to jab myself before the flight. apparently it's for preventing clotting??
Passport - Check!
Visa Cancellation - Check!
Letter for flying - Check!
Jab - Check!
Compression Socks - Check!
Medical Records - Check!
All set to go... Hello USA... I'm coming!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Baby Shopping

Did quite a bit of baby shopping this weekend... Sales everywhere.

Somehow tried to look for neutral colours... but Dubai kids clothes (at least the ones on sale) are either blue, pink or purple, or very cheap looking.

Well... manage to buy... 17 pieces of clothing... which should last us at least 6 months!

Belly @ 27w 2d

27 weeks is when suddenly baby expanded! I feel a lot heavier... really like a truck. Cannot accelerate... only can trot along slowly...