Yes Long Island is kinda long. So we didn't manage to make it all the way to the end with a cranky baby on board. Nevertheless we did manage a couple of places (at a very slow pace). All activities we did basically depended on whether the baby was tired, happy, cranky or just fussy.
First stop was Sagamore Hill - the home of Theodore Roosevelt.
Well since I'm not American and have never studies American history, it was a very interesting experience for me just visiting the museum and readings about all that he's done and achieved. Sadly, his home was closed for restoration, so it was fenced off.
Then we went to Oyster Bay cove for a really good lunch at Canterburys grill. Seafood galore!
We really wanted to go to one of those pick-your-own farms but most were located at the other end of Long Island. Baby Shane was really cranky then so we had no choice but to head to an organic farm (not a PYO yet as it's still off season). Got some really juicy Japanese plums and white peach and a bag if yellow cherry tomatoes which tasted so so good.
And on the way back, we stopped by point lookout for a lookout. A nice roam in the park and some fresh air for Shane.
Along the way back to Manhattan, we stopped by Brooklyn for some Asian food. It's been a while since we had SEAsian food. Rendang Island serves a really mean Sambal Stingray... Soo good.