Over the past week since my mum and dad arrived from Singapore, Shane has learnt to do quite a few things all at once.
Just 2 days ago (22 Aug - which makes him 8 Months & 22 days old), Shane started to crawl with his hands. Previously, he would just rock at once spot and crawl on his tummy.
Yesterday (23 Aug), Shane stood up by himself unassisted (which he already previously did)…. but this time around, he stood by himself for quite a long while without falling back down on his bum. Whoo hoo!!
And today, he has learnt to clap his hands! Last time his two hands would miss each other when he tries to clap...
That was quite a lot of new things in the last few days. I think he progresses a lot more when the grandparents are here. These days, SHane has gotten 10 times more active than he was about a month ago. I know his active nature will only start to get worse… and soon, i will have to start chasing him around.
Tired… but really fun times!