Tuesday, June 28, 2016

First experience with Coxsackie

Jed hasn't really been sleep well over the last 3-4 nights. Yesterday, he had quite a bit of eye poop, and we suspected it was the Pink Eye. So this morning we took him to see Dr Brown Bear... and was told... your child has Coxsackie. We were told that it's very contagious, very painful and very harmless. Never heard of coxsackie in my life... So I did what all parents would do... GOOGLE.

SO!! Coxsackie is the infamous HFMD. I've never heard about anyone talking about HFMD here, so I thought the virus was not common here. In Singapore, I hear almost all kids have HFMD at one point of their life. 

My poor baby... He's been so fussy. We had 5+ months of fuss free days... this is literally the first time in his life that he was this fussy. Can't sleep, can't drink milk, and crying all day. I'm just so exhausted.