Tuesday, June 28, 2016

First experience with Coxsackie

Jed hasn't really been sleep well over the last 3-4 nights. Yesterday, he had quite a bit of eye poop, and we suspected it was the Pink Eye. So this morning we took him to see Dr Brown Bear... and was told... your child has Coxsackie. We were told that it's very contagious, very painful and very harmless. Never heard of coxsackie in my life... So I did what all parents would do... GOOGLE.

SO!! Coxsackie is the infamous HFMD. I've never heard about anyone talking about HFMD here, so I thought the virus was not common here. In Singapore, I hear almost all kids have HFMD at one point of their life. 

My poor baby... He's been so fussy. We had 5+ months of fuss free days... this is literally the first time in his life that he was this fussy. Can't sleep, can't drink milk, and crying all day. I'm just so exhausted.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Shane's Day Out with Thomas

Day out with Thomas came to Strasburg Railway Station in PA. We took the 2+ hour drive there with our neighbour and Shane's friend, Arsh. We have been spoilt with our experience at Thomasland, so Day out with Thomas is not as exciting as Thomasland, but definitely good enough for a good day going gaga over trains. 

The most exciting about the whole experience was Shane going gaga over the trains. He wasn't so much interested in riding the train (in fact, he got bored being in the carriage). He spent a lot of time just looking at the other steam engines at the railway station.

The event was fairly expensive at $28 per person?! We got the Percy Package (ie. ride both Thomas & Percy). We could only have gotten the Thomas ride if I had known... Still, that would have set us back $21 each for a 30 mins ride. There isn't really much other activities to do, and there's a huge store which just makes you spend more money on Thomas products.

Would I go again? Perhaps not, especially if I had to drive over 2 hours to get to it. For just $5 more, it buys you a trip to Thomasland at Edaville.

Excited to see Thomas!!

 We saw Thomas from afar pulling his carriages

 We got to ride Percy's carriages too!

 Roaming Strasburg station... while waiting for our ride on Thomas

 Shane & Jed waiting for the train to depart

 With S's friend Arsh... Both boys were so excited to be riding in Percy's carriages

 Guess who we saw too? Sir Topham Hatt!

 Got his first Tattoo - a Thomas Tattoo