Thursday, December 10, 2015

A month on at school....

I would say it took Shane about 2-3 weeks to get used to the idea of going to school.

This week is week 6 since we started school, and he's been really good about it. Our routine now comprises of him waking me up, eating a small breakfast, driving him to school, walking him in, taking off his coat, giving him a hug, saying bye-bye, and off he runs off to do whatever the other kids are doing.

His favourite part about school is the food (duh...).

Our typical after school conversation goes...

M: Shane, what did you do at school today?
S: Eat Chicken Nuggets
M: Only eat chicken nuggets?
S: Go playground
M: Did you do anything else?
S: Sing Spider song
M: Any other song?
S: Row Row, E-I-E-O
M: So what else did you do?
S: Eat Chicken Nuggets
M: Again????
S: Ya

It's been the same conversation for the last 2 weeks. I'm sure he did something else according to his reports... but those were his favourite I guess!!