We had a long celebration over a few days!! This is what happens when your birthday falls just before Thanksgiving. You get many days of celebration!! Hooray.
Round 1: Thanksgiving Birthday Celebration
We started off the first cake at Aunty Cindy's Thanksgiving dinner party... Mama made peppa pig for the little boy who recently had a peppa pig craze after watching a few episodes on TV. It was a maiden attempt on Peppa pig... So I'm pretty glad it turned out ok.
A simple Birthday Celebration with Isabella, Skylar & Norah...
Thorn amongst the Roses?
Round 2: Sesame Place
Over the long weekend, we took a drive down to Langhorne to Sesame Place again. This time, it wasn't as cold as the last time we went in December last year. Great weather does make a difference! Also in 2015...
1. He could walk a lot more confidently as compared to last year where he barely learnt a few steps.
2. He knew most of the characters and got really excited at seeing them live!
3. He's not as afraid of big big characters
4. He was not terrified of Santa any longer
5. He was tall enough to go on some rides
Number 1 favourite at Sesame Place.... ZOEY!! Shane actually spotted her from afar and wanted to go take a photo
He even gave Oscar a hug!!!
Met Bert & Ernie too!!!
And finally, he got to pick out one present he liked from Hoopers Emporium. He initially picked out Ernie. But after walking around the store, he suddenly spotted Big Bird and returned Ernie to its original location and started carrying Big Bird all around.
Round 3: Celebration on the Actual Day!!
Well, I didn't think this was as fun for him because he had to go to school. Since there were so many restrictions on what we could bring (including no cake, no candles?!), we decided to do a morning snack. A lot of fruits, cheese and crackers. I guess the kids enjoyed them a lot compared to the Cheerios and other cereal they normally have.
First school birthday celebration
Then we took him to the dentist!
Some people say that's cruel.... but I say it was practical. The dentist isn't open on weekends, and there was almost no way I could take him on my own and letting him lie on my lap. The belly is just way too big now.
Present opening time after the afternoon nap
And finally... a Mango Mousse Cake which we all used a fork to dig into! Happy Birthday Little one. We love you!