Thursday, June 26, 2014

Home alone with Shane

I wonder how some mums do it without help....

The week we got back from Singapore, the papa had to go off to New York City, while I stayed behind in Philadelphia with the baby (because Shane had a 6 month pediatrician visit). Being alone with a baby that is jet lagged and coupled with really hot and bad weather has been really tough!

First, the baby is cranky cos he's not getting enough sleep. It gets dark only at 830pm, but he's really sleepy by about 4pm. With the blinds all closed, it's still not pitched black. So putting Shane to sleep is a little challenging.Then he gets up at 2 or 3am. They say baby adjusts an hour a day... This time, it did not happen until after 2 weeks.

Bright and happy at 3am!!

Second, it's been mid 90deg F (which is like 35+ deg C) in Philadelphia since we got back and walking out in the sun with the baby in the carrier is another big challenge. He's feeling uncomfortably hot, and so am I. Fortunately, there's the jet lag... so we are both awake by 3am, and can then start the mornings at 7am when it's still fairly manageable (temperature wise), and by 10am, we're both hidden in the air conditioned home - yes all day!!
Hiding inside Ikea for Breakfast

Third, my whole week was pretty much spent at home... changing diapers, splashing about in the bath tub, playing with the baby, singing songs, reading baby books.... It can really get to you doing the same thing over and over again...  Towards the end of the week a cool change came, and I felt so relieved I could head out to the play ground and sit under the tree. 

Day at the Playground. Hooray for the cool change

Finally, housework.... I could only dream of doing some housework when Shane goes down for the day... Laundry, mop the floor, cook and clean his toys.... that's all I can do in the 2 hours I have. To top that off... I had some freelance work to do... so the next 2-4 hours was spent doing that. That gives me pretty much 3-4 hours of sleep a night.

Counting down 6 days to Z coming back to Philly was like 6 years. Those were by far the 6 longest, yet shortest day of my life. Went by in a whim, but yet.... felt like eternity.... (No, don't get me wrong, I love doing what I did, but sometimes you need a little adult interaction). How do some mothers do without any help at all? So my brother has this friend who is a full time mum, yet does part time work, and has zero help at home. I don't think Shane is a difficult baby, but how to manage a house & baby? I'm sure there is a way to manage... and let me figure it out in the next 9 weeks when we're alone in NYC....