Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Jed is 6 months old today

half a year old! woo hoo!!! This little boy started sitting up without support this week. A big achievement for this big boy.

We are also starting real BLW. Our first food that he's managed to pick up and stuff into his mouth is a sweet potato. We tried this a couple of weeks ago, and this wasn't really successful. Now I know why they say... wait till 6 months!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Blueberry Picking @ Terhune

Weather was so so good this weekend that we had so much fun picking blueberries. It was supposed to rain all weekend, but the rain clouds held back, blocking most of the sunlight. Weather was probably in the 70s.

We went out to Terhune to pick blueberries and feed the farm animals. Shane had fun, chasing turkeys and feeding the goats.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Jed's first time on Solids

Yesterday, Jed turned 5 months and 14 days. So it's time for some proper food! We started Shane on exactly the same day and fed him Avocado, but me being forgetful, did not buy avocado ahead of time. So hi Avocado meal would have to wait for a few days until it ripens.

So we started him on Oatmeal cereal.

I'm not sure if he liked it, but he did seem very agitated, and calmed down only when he got to eat. Mixed signals. We shall try again today.

Our 4th of July Weekend, 2016

Shane's latest phase is to feed animals and see them at the zoo. So that's what we did over the 4th July weekend. We went to Turtle Back Zoo and Alstede farm during the weekend, and just lazed around at home on the 4th. Weather was sooooo good. But pity Jed isn't yet 6 months old and so we couldn't slap sunscreen on him. Otherwise we would have gone off to the beach.