I have never ever heard of this term during my first pregnancy with Shane, and this time around, I actually had to google up my symptoms before reading somewhere about Prodromal Labor. Every pregnancy has its story, and this time around, this is my story. Well, it wasn't as dramatic as when I had to be induced at Penn Hospital. But it's something that I won't forget.
It was 16 January at 3am when I got my first jolt of labor contractions. Wa laaaa! I was already overdue, and thought this is it!!! The baby is coming!! Suddenly I felt that I wasn't ready. I quickly downloaded the contraction app on my iPhone and started timing them. It all started with contractions every 5 mins lasting for about 45 seconds. By 5am, it was every 3-4 mins lasting for about 60 seconds. So I woke Z up and said we probably had to go to the hospital. I phoned my obgyn at 5am (yes I know it was so early, but I was told to call anytime even if it was in the middle of the night) who told me to head for the hospital.
Just as we were about to leave, Shane woke up, and so I had to get him all settled in with grandma popo. And so by about 630am, we said bye bye, explained to Shane that we were going to pick didi up and headed off to the hospital.
By the time we got in and registered at the ER (because it was a weekend), it was already 7ish in the morning. The contractions got more painful, and by the time I was hooked up to the machine in the L&D room, the contractions were every 2-4 minutes, lasting about 60 seconds with a pretty strong intensity (according to the machine). We had a fabulous nurse who explained to us those curves and lines coming out of the machine. Technology. Wow. She said the baby was ready! So were we (i think). We had to wait for further instructions from Dr Chu (my obgyn) who was on the way to the hospital. I had my checks and then found out I was only dilated 2cm. So this put me only in early labor, not in active labor (even though my contractions indicated I was in active labor).
After a few hours we finally managed to see Dr Chu at about 10:30 or so. By then, my contractions started spacing out further and further apart. It started decreasing in intensity, and spaced out to every 5-6 mins. What happened?!? I have never heard of stories of labor spacing out. I've only heard of stories of labor getting more intense. To cut a long story short, I got sent home by lunch time.
We were slightly disappointed by the outcome, but it was probably the best decision because we would have sat in the hospital indefinitely waiting for the baby. By the time we got home, I was pretty much a zombie having not slept from 3am. I took a 2 hour nap, and by the time I got up, my contractions almost disappeared. Maybe I might had one every 2-3 hours? It was pretty much gone.
Two days later, whilst typing this out.... I'm so way overdue, and I haven't felt a single contraction yet. This is my experience with Prodromal Labor.
It's Martin Luther King day today. I could have been home with my new baby and have the extra bit of holiday help from Z with the new little one. Instead, here we are at McDonalds having a Sausage McMuffin and hash brown whilst waiting for Shane to finish school. Not complaining... Just saying.