Saturday, November 29, 2014

This time last year….

This time last year (Nov 29), our bags were all packed, and off we went to the hospital. Can't believe how quickly a year has been!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The nineth tooth is out

By the time Shane turns ONE, he would have 9 teeth! The bottom left molar just came out. I just realized his teeth had not been coming out in the correct order. Usually the top one would pop out before the bottom. Like his other tooth number 5,6,7,8, the bottom ones came out first too.... He sure loves opposites!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

And he took his first steps (and seen by others)

So Shane took his first steps (in fact, it was 5 whole steps) today at class when he was chasing a toy! 

He actually took a couple of wobbly steps in the past (on 20 October) but no one saw it but me. So I was told that's not counted! Today he did it in front of 10 other moms and babies! Hi 5 for baby Shane!!

(Sadly, I didn't have my phone to capture that moment)