Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 100 - March 10

Today is a very special day for both baby and us!

Baby Shane turns 100 days old, and we celebrate our second year wedding anniversary.

2 Years ago @ Bab Al Shams...

The last 100 days has just passed so quickly. From a tiny baby, he's grown so big (physically) and is now able to play with his mommy and daddy. He's getting a little more predictable and his personality is slowly developing. And frowns are starting to turn to smiles… slowly!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Bumbo

Today I opened the Bumbo. A total waste of my $45.99

First I must say that I like the concept of the Bumbo despite reviews on the internet saying that it's dumb to put your kid in one because you cannot put it on a chair and you are forcing the kid to sit when babies are not meant to be sitting. I disagree. We are current teaching Shane the various positions he can be in. Lying down and being carried are not the only option. He can sit, stand, crawl and walk. Ok we haven't tried the latter two yet.

Learning to use my leg muscles!

Unfortunately, Shane's bum and legs are too big to fit into the hole. The Bumbo is cut out for skinnier babies, and babies who hasn't upgraded to size 3 diapers. I would say the diapers look like they were squashing his little pee pee...and the buckle was definitely in the way. There was no way we could have buckled him up.

Fortunately there's a great return policy and I am trading that for a travel high chair instead...

Don't think Shane is able to use this now but in the future when he's a little older, I can carry this with me in my diaper bag and take to friends house or to restaurants.